iBlob Earth Adventure

This Application needs Adobe Air or Flash player instaled on your device.

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User Experience

Out of user testing results the best Human Computer Interaction for iBlob sequence learning is drag and touch.

The user touch's or drag's image blob's to combine new molecules, as new shapes produce new shape´s during the role play.


On start you´re able to translate contents in Portuguese or English and then learn the quemical table of elements from hydrogen to helium.

Landscape UI

For easy interaction, play on landscape view so that touch blobs size fit every ages finger size.

The used landscape UI, also prooved being a better gaming position to read and interact on iBlob.

The start of the Universe.
It'll blow your mind.

In simple terms, you´ll be able to follow the chain reaction, that originated all mather out of the products of the BigBang primordial explosion from -15,000 ma until -4550 million years ago.

Physical Transform.

The application also allows you to interact with the basic principles of physical transformations, as deposition (an element that turns from gas to solid.), note that iBlob serve´s you as a learning tool and does not dismiss the reading of further manuals on the Bigbang theme.

And lastly, this one.

After the access of a main tutorial class of physics and chemistry about the universe and it´s components, the player gets a chance to collide meteors into a proto Earth asteroid.